The law: dogs in restaurants.
In Poland, restaurant owners often refuse dogs into their place with the excuse of „sanitary regulationsâ€. In fact, more and more eateries accept four-legs, but what about the regulations?

Passport for Mr Dog
If we plan holidays abroad with Mr.Dog, we have to comply with EU rules of “transferring pets within the EU” (valid since 29.12.2014r.).

Mr Dog in Dolomites (Italy)
Winter break started, time to ski!!! Mr. Dog? Of course goes with us, although he hasn’t got his four-little-skis. Destination? Italian Dolomites, more precisely Alto Adige region (aka South Tirol),

Etiquette: Mr Dog in a restaurant
We’ve finally found a dog-friendly place, we’ve comfortably sat back and Mr.Dog has sniffed the floor around… remember NOT to leave the restaurant’s Owner with a TRAUMA after our visit

Mr Dog visits Lithuania & Latvia
We nearly gave up the idea of travelling along the shores of Baltic Sea… Why? Because while browsing through travel-services & booking websites, we found that most hostels and campings

Mr Dog in Karkonosze Mountains
A wonderful week trip! Rizo is fit and loves mountains so 15-20km. a day made him feel in heaven. We set off from Karpacz.

Mr Dog in Croatia
We have already been in Croatia a few times, so we feel there nearly “at home”. We know where to go, how to go, what to expect and what to