We have already been in Croatia a few times, so we feel there nearly “at home”. We know where to go, how to go, what to expect and what to avoid. But this time was different, as it was the first time Mr. Dog was onboard with us. Well, a new experience and a challenge…
First of all a question: how is Rizo going to take the hellish temperatures? No doubt, beaches and streets in July and August feel like oven, and we were going in the beginning of August, so a big rain-umbrella was packed into the car as the first doggy-item. It was a regular big rain umbrella, as it is lower than a beach umbrella and would protect Rizo better. As it later turned out, it was a MUST!
It was the first time we took Rizo to Croatia with us. We went by car to Split and then to the Isle of Brać by ferry. The ferry for dogs is FREE…
We payed only for the car and us. Rizo, as you can see below, loved the new mean of transport… His nose was weavering all long hours, catching out new, inspiring molecules from the air into his nostrils.
Our destiny was na eco-settlement #‎NonoBan‬ http://nonoban.com/ a very dog-friendly place! Rizo could go for breakfast in the open-air canteen with us, keep us company at the private outside pool (in the evening we were alone). Just outside the guesthouse there is a huge wild FIELD, where Mr Dog used to walk to peepoo thing and one day he met a Donkey-friend.
Because our guest-house was inland, we drove to the beach in the town of ‪#‎Bol‬ . We never had any problem with entering the beach with Rizo. He could sit in water as long as he wished (meaning all the time) and he also did some rock-climbing. Nobody grumbled that “the dog is contaminating water” which was really relieving…
In the evenings, we went from the beach straight to a nice restaurant for dinners. Rizo always got his WATER bowl and a smile (‪#‎Equinox‬ restaurant close to ‪#‎VladimiraNazora‬ 6 street). A few times we drove to a town of #‎Sumartin‬ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sumartin-Splitsko-Dalmatinska-Croatia/110273398992014?fref=ts . We tasted a great grilled ‪#‎seabas‬ and mussels with local wine… Good time 🙂
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