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Cinema with a dog? Yes! Picturehouse Central breaks the rules!

Cinema with a dog? Yes! Picturehouse Central breaks the rules!

by Rizo Black, 22 August 2017

A great buzz in media was raised after London’s cinema Picturehouse Central recently started dog-friendly series of screenings, which you can attend with Mr Dog  😎👍 


As for now, the doggy screenings are held on Sundays mornings, as there are not many visitors and the dogs don’t get stressed out. The only “minus” is that the shows are only every 6 weeks. The next doggy film will be screened on 24th September.

If the screenings will be held more frequently or not, depends on the demand  👀


We learned, that the doggy films are carefully chosen as not to stress the dogs (there are no sudden sound or visual effects) and at such screenings the sound is significantly turned down and a dim light is on. Actually, the rules are similar to kid-screenings… 😉 …but dogs won’t leave popcorn or candy wraps under the seats 😛

…maybe Mr Dog will leave a few hair, but that’s why we must remember to take a blanket with us (in London’s Picturehouse you get a blanket at the entrance).


In Poland we have dogfriendly Kino Mikro in Cracow, where you are allowed with Mr Dog any time. ❤️❤️ Of course Mikro is on our MAP.

In Oct. 2016 great event was held by Kino PaÅ‚acowe in PoznaÅ„ when they allowed people with dogs for the “Heart of the dog”. We know, that PoznaÅ„ dog-lovers were amazed, so maybe it’s time for Kino PaÅ‚acowe to consider regular ‘doggy-screenings’ ? 👀👍

But we must REMEMBER that Mr Dog would prefer to RUN in a park or forest instead of sitting in the cinema, but on the other hand, if we spend half of the day at work and then, again we are about to leave Mr Dog alone for a few hours of course it’s better to take him and spend time together  😉
Besides, if we perform it wisely, this cinema-trip can be a good socializing training, which will enhance “Mr Dog’s good manners” in public space.

What do you think of it? “Woof YES” or “Woof NO”?

–> see the VIDEO from the first screening: DOGSCREENING

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