Buda dźwiÄ™koszczelna – nadzieja dla psów z fobiÄ… dźwiÄ™kowÄ…
Idzie Sylwester… 🍾🎉🎊🥂 dla niektórych to czas zabawy, a dla wielu psów i ich opiekunów czas koszmaru i stresu… Wg różnych danych ok. 50% psów cierpi na FOBIĘ DŹWIĘKOWÄ„ 🙉🐾🐾🐕

Chew toys may be dangerous
WARNINGÂ The truth about the production of common CHEW-TOYS (RAWHIDE) for dogs came to light! MANY of the popular treats available on the market might be TOXIC and are manufactured using

Mr Dog in search for mushrooms?
In older days “truffle hunters” used pigs to trace and root up the tasty – and very expensive – delicacy. However, it has changed and dogs came into limelight. Why?

LEGOland with a dog?
YES! Dogs can keep us company in Legoland and not only the ones made of lego blocks 😉 We received this NEWS from one of our fans – Andrzej, who

The law: dogs in restaurants.
In Poland, restaurant owners often refuse dogs into their place with the excuse of „sanitary regulationsâ€. In fact, more and more eateries accept four-legs, but what about the regulations?

Dog-spinning – barbaric tradition in Bulgaria
Would you believe, that in civilized Europe of 21st century some people still ward off RABIES by pagan rituals? When SPRING comes, they SPIN DOGS over a river, to scare

Is Bravecto safe? What you should know.
There is a massive action in the Net to REMOVE Bravecto from the market. In June 2015  a post about Bravecto went viral in social media and ever since CONTROVERSY around this

Monk Dog in monastery
A great life change experienced Friar Bigotón (from Spanish: Friar Moustache). He used to be a stray dog who was adopted by monks.

San Francisco BANS selling puppies
The Independent (newspaper) on 18/02/2017 announced, that San Francisco (USA) officials have voted to BAN THE SALE of PUPPIES in pet shops. The shops are ONLY allowed to sell RESCUE

Is avian flu contagious for dogs?
BEWARE Media in Poland go viral again about AVIAN FLU H5N1 and yesterday (i.e. 28th Feb. 2017) experts confirmed the presence of the virus in a dead swan found at