Buda dźwiÄ™koszczelna – nadzieja dla psów z fobiÄ… dźwiÄ™kowÄ…
Idzie Sylwester… 🍾🎉🎊🥂 dla niektórych to czas zabawy, a dla wielu psów i ich opiekunów czas koszmaru i stresu… Wg różnych danych ok. 50% psów cierpi na FOBIĘ DŹWIĘKOWÄ„ 🙉🐾🐾🐕
Chew toys may be dangerous
WARNINGÂ The truth about the production of common CHEW-TOYS (RAWHIDE) for dogs came to light! MANY of the popular treats available on the market might be TOXIC and are manufactured using
Dangers while playing with your dog
At the beginning, nobody is a perfect dog-parent, especially if it’s your first Mr Dog. We learn through experience, observation of our dog-son, literature, talking to seasoned dog-owners, vets… But
Mr Dog’s coat & summer
How to care Mr Dog’s coat in SUMMER? Sun, bathing, sand… Our GROOMER friend, Iza gives us some TIPS: “SUMMER, don’t forget to protect Mr Dog!”
The law: dogs in restaurants.
In Poland, restaurant owners often refuse dogs into their place with the excuse of „sanitary regulationsâ€. In fact, more and more eateries accept four-legs, but what about the regulations?
Is Bravecto safe? What you should know.
There is a massive action in the Net to REMOVE Bravecto from the market. In June 2015  a post about Bravecto went viral in social media and ever since CONTROVERSY around this
Is avian flu contagious for dogs?
BEWARE Media in Poland go viral again about AVIAN FLU H5N1 and yesterday (i.e. 28th Feb. 2017) experts confirmed the presence of the virus in a dead swan found at
Mr Dog’s sight
Both people and dogs get older and their organism starts to malfunction. The worsening process concerns sight as well. But while we, humans tend to get farsighted with age, meaning
What food is TOXIC for Mr Dog?
Is your Mr Dog peanut-butter-fan? Rizo LOVES it and we use it as a training-treat. But we carefully examine the ingredients before we choose the butter! Not all peanut butter